is the website of Aleph Diallo, aspiring animator and artist who also knows a thing or two about computers. How?!?This website is built with Jekyll for ease of use when making pages—especially for the ramble section. The layout, surprisingly, uses absolutely no CSS, instead going for archaic methods of the olden days (so expect W3C to complain about it!). These methods are still supported, so there’s no stopping me from using them! I have experience using Adobe Animate and Wick Editor in order to make cartoons, but I wish to figure out more of OpenToonz someday. Speaking of Wick, I also know some JavaScript (regarding web development). Wick uses JavaScript! Why?One day, I felt bored and decided to make a website, which can be found at Ever since that day, I decided to make my very own websites, no matter what service it was. Glitch, InfinityFree, Neocities, you name it. If you want to visit some of those older sites, visit How do I contact you?Via email. is the email address you want. However, it does forward to, since that requires cash to add aliases. I do not want to use GMail for Rubberocket, so you’ll just have to deal with that. Oh yeah, this is obvious, no phishing or scamming. I’ll usually ignore it or say something like “not interested”. Website requirementsRecommended requirements
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