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What is a rubberocket?

Rubberocket is this nifty little early 2000s minimalistic-looking site where I put up all my things and you have to sit here and deal with it.

My name's Aleph Diallo, and I'm an aspiring artist and animator, just doing my thing. I also, as you can see, make websites with my sub-par knowledge of HTML + JavaScript and, in this case, my pre-owned copy of Macromedia Studio 8.

This site is almost always in a state of unfinishedness, as all sites are. However, this site, as of 2024/08/30, is as unfinished as any of the web series ideas that have never come into fruition. As time passes by, this will be less unfinished. I promise I will not change design until like a million years or something.

Where can I contact you?

I'd prefer you contact me via email:

Unlike before I utilized PHP, this email isn't a forwarded alias, it is instead a full-blown email thanks to my domain provider, so don't expect any funny business with my handle. No not that handle. My email handle.

Why is this site designed the way it is?

I've always been more fascinated by earlier websites, specifically those from the early 2000s. I will admit that this has influenced my web design aspects by a long shot, but it's good to implement modern stuff, too.

Why can't I view this is in my old web browser?

This site doesn't support websites without some sort of TLS. Sorry! :(

What has this site looked like in the past?

Let's find out with the following links!

Rubberocket as of August 24th 2024, hosted on InfinityFree.

Rubberocket as of... March 2024??

Rubberocket as of later February 2024

Rubberocket as of February 2024

Rubberocket as of January 2024

Rubberocket as of 2020. Yes it is spelt RubberRocket here. Yes it's only rubberocket here because of Hugedomains domain squatting. Now shut up.

Aleph's Website - Precursor to as it is today, as of August 2023.

Boredom, Inc. - See Aleph's Website. This was before October 23, 2023, my birthday.

More of the neocities sites. (I forgot this one, badonline, circa January 2022)

...don't forget the one that started it all,, circa 2020!

Link me!
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