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What is Rubberocket?

Simply put: is the website you're currently viewing!

Why is Rubberocket? was created to archive and host Aleph Diallo's (that would be me) old and new projects. Whether it be horrendous Flash animations, Cartoon Network-esque drawings or even being out-of-touch with society, if it's attached to Aleph, it's here in some form.

Where can I contact you?

aleph [at] rubberocket [dot] com.

How is Rubberocket (made)?

Rubberocket's code is mainly done on an early 2008 iMac with Windows 10 installed.
Here's a list of software that's used to make the site, and not any of the content on it:

The code for this site is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License, since people are probably going to copy and paste the source code from this site anyway. The GitHub repository can be found here.

When was Rubberocket launched? was purchased on October 23rd, 2023, but the website didn't launch until 2 days later.

Who is Rubberocket?

Rubberocket is Aleph Diallo. As if it wasn't clear enough.

Where is Rubberocket?

Somewhere in New York. Server-wise, deep within the trenches called GitHub Pages.

Will you show your face?

I mean I did a self portrait so I might, I don't know