Simply put: is the website you're currently viewing! was created to archive and host Aleph Diallo's (that would be me) old and new projects. Whether it be horrendous Flash animations, Cartoon Network-esque drawings or even being out-of-touch with society, if it's attached to Aleph, it's here in some form.
aleph [at] rubberocket [dot] com.
Rubberocket's code is mainly done on an early 2008 iMac with Windows 10 installed.
Here's a list of software that's used to make the site, and not any of the content on it: was purchased on October 23rd, 2023, but the website didn't launch until 2 days later.
Rubberocket is Aleph Diallo. As if it wasn't clear enough.
Somewhere in New York. Server-wise, deep within the trenches called GitHub Pages.
I mean I did a self portrait so I might, I don't know